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Safety and Excellence of Contoura Lasik Surgery in India

Contoura Lasik Surgery

Lasik eye surgery is one of the most well known and safe methods of vision correction, enabling people to get rid of their glasses and contact lenses. There are several Lasik variants, including contoura vision, smile and conventional lasik. The basic principle is reshaping of the cornea, to make sure the rays of the light can entering eyes stay focused on the retina.

Reasons for Wearing Glasses

 The cornea and the crystalline lens in the eye are responsible for focusing on the light that enters the eye on to the retina.  Any problem in the structure, especially curvature of the cornea, or in the length of the eyeball, simply means that the vision is completely blurred. 

In myopia, the light rays focus before the retina, and in hypermetropia they focus behind the retina. When it comes astigmatism, the light rays in various meridians, focus on various locations. 

When it comes to correcting the retina, you will have to wear glasses or contact lenses or go for contoura lasik surgery which changes the focusing power of the cornea. 

How does lasik eye surgery work? 

A thin, circular corneal flap is raised using either a mechanized knife or special laser. The laser then reshapes the corneal tissue, so that refractive error is destroyed, and the light falls directly on the retina. The corneal flap is repositioned. The results are perfect vision, without the need for glasses or contact lenses. 

What happens during laser eye surgery? 

During surgery, the doctor uses anesthetic drops to numb the eye. So, you could feel slight pressure during the procedure. The doctor will ask you to pay attention to the light; your vision will be blur as the cornea is reshaped. You could be asked to wear an eye patch after the surgery. Most doctors will see you after an hour, before you can go home, along with how many times to use eye drops and the precautions to be taken. 

How does one know if lasik eye surgery is good for them? 

The only way to know if you are the perfect candidate or not, for laser eye surgery, even though it’s safe, is by visiting the doctor. To decide if you are fit for the procedure, the doctor will conduct an eye examination that includes a dilated retina check and talk to you about your options and what works best for your eye health and vision needs. If you are not suitable for contoura lasik eye surgery, your doctor will suggest other options for treatment to avoid wearing glasses or contact lenses. 

How are the various procedures for spectacle removal different from each other? 

Conventional Lasik and SBK 

Conventional lasik and SBK is one of the most common vision correction procedures and under such circumstances, the surgeon lifts a thin, circular corneal flap using a knife and then a laser to remove the corneal substance called stroma to modify the shape.  The corneal flap is thinner in SBK as compared to a conventional lasik. It offers patients safety and efficacy and can be given to patients with thin corneas as well.  

Relex Smile 

In smile lasik in Delhi, no corneal flap is lifted. On the contrary, a small incision is made on the corneal surface, to remove the corneal lenticule from the stroma, to change the corneal shape and power. It causes no dryness of the eye, no side effects but the vision could take a few days to stabilize. 

Contoura Lasik 

Contoura lasik is another technology for vision correction and uses the best algorithm to capture points on the surface of the cornea.  Several patients who have undergone contoura lasik surgery have gotten perfect vision. 

The ablation and reshaping of the cornea in contoura vision is adjusted to your eyes and checks each cornea to create the best results, with no side effects like halos and glare. 

How to choose from the various kinds of lasik surgery? 

Lasik surgery is safe and precise. When it comes to choosing a surgery, you have to see if you are the perfect candidate for the surgery.  You will have to speak to your doctor about what the surgery entails and how long it will take to heal the eye. The surgeries, which ever you go for, are completely safe.


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