It is completely normal to be afraid of the unknown. Our fears are magnified by a dozen when it
comes to medicine and diseases. Smile
Lasik surgery is something that people fear as it involves using of laser,
the pain involved after the surgery and the fear of being awake during the eye
surgery. Lasik fears are like any other fears that are based on half baked
untrue facts.
Contoura lasik surgery is one of
the safest refractive eye surgery which is painless and is done within a time
span of 5-10 minutes. Your doctor will help you get over your fears by
clarifying them for you.
Fear number 1: Feeling
Pain during Lasik Surgery Truth
is because you will be under mild sedation and numbing eye drops will be used
in your eyes too. Most patients could feel the pressure but no pain. The
surgery is completely painless.
Number 2: Losing
Eyesight with Lasik Surgery Truth
patients are under the impression they could go blind with contoura
lasik corrective eye surgery. There hasn’t been a single case where
people have gone blind with the surgery.
Fear Number 3: Afraid
of Scalpel in Lasik Surgery Truth
has become possible to do surgery without using any mechanical knives and
blades, with the advancement in technology.
Fear Number 4: Afraid
of being in contact with the laser
laser surgery uses laser to correct your vision. The eye comes in contact with
the laser for only a couple of seconds and managed by advanced technology.
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